PRODS: Dim Sum Darlings

Sunday, August 14 at noon
Royal Garden Restaurant

This is at the corner of Dronningens Tværgade and Borgergade – buses 1A, 15 and 26. RSVP by Wednesday, August 10 to Mary Stewart Burgher ( so we can reserve a large enough table.

All AWC members are welcome to share delicious dim sum – the best in Copenhagen, according to several sources!


Let’s Go Tivoli!

Cyntheia Singleton, as agreed to be our Tivoli person again this summer escorting AWC members and their guests, up to four, into Tivoli at a substantial discount.  AWC members free/guests 50 kr.each.  Early Bird (Membership Payment) Special, one time only, member and guests free. This is a deal you can only say “Yes” to. Contact Cyntheia preferable 48 hrs in advance via her mobile phone (45) 2311 7190. This offer is subject to availability. Please put your exact payment into an envelope with your name and the amount written. Meeting point will be the Tivoli entrance across from the Main Train St. next to Andersen’s Bakery.


Whim 'n Rhythm Concert

at St Alban’s Anglican Church was a success!

choir with hostesses


Letter of thanks from the choir to the AWC members who organized the concert and were their hosts during the visit.

To: Clarice, Michelle, Clarissa, Mary Stewart and Fiona

On behalf of Whim 'n Rhythm I want to send a huge thank you to the AWC for setting us up with wonderful home-stays, organizing a concert in a beautiful location (and with delicious cake) and in general, making possible our visit to Copenhagen! We enjoyed having the opportunity to explore the city, even amid the downpour. I am happy to have been able to meet you all and to hear about life in Copenhagen. So again, thank you for your time, energy, and your extremely warm welcome to our group. If you are interested in hosting again next year, I can connect you to next year's group when they begin planning their tour. Until then, have a wonderful summer.

Best, Stasha

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